
Outdoor Adventure Kits - Delivered To Your Doorstep

It’s hard to believe it’s been over a year since we first started on this journey. It was April 2019 when we first reserved a meeting room at the Calgary Central Library to throw ink on a white board and start to refine our idea. In November of 2019, myself, my brother Jeremy and his wife Heather incorporated under Wild Life Adventures Ltd. I quit my full time job, we rolled up our sleeves and went "ALL IN" with our venture.

In reality, The Wild | Life Outdoor Adventures has been in conception for several years. From nights around a campfire regaling our own childhood adventures, to long chats along the trails wondering how, as parents ourselves, we can create the same experiences for the next generation.

Fast forward to today – we have created a line up of monthly adventure kits full of inspiration to give the wild adventures and freedom that only outdoor exploration can provide.

We have carefully curated custom goods and spent endless hours putting together fun and easy outdoor activities, and crafts - The Wild | Life boxes have all the right ingredients to allow kids to follow their own natural curiosity.

So what are you waiting for? Let's get outside.


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