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Get ready to unwind and celebrate Relaxation Day in style! From hammock hangouts to lakeside lounging, here are 10 ways you can embrace the essence of relaxation and make the most of this special day dedicated to unwinding and rejuvenation.
  • 2 min read
When it comes to teaching kids about conservation, it's important to start by explaining how plants and animals are interconnected. The web of life is a complex network where all living things depend on each other for survival. From food chains to ecosystems, understanding these connections lays the foundation for appreciating and protecting our natural world. Get ready to embark on an adventure of discovery and appreciation for the wonders of nature!
Are you ready for an adventure that will make you go wild with excitement? Get ready to dive into the fascinating realm of animal shelters and homes! It's time to uncover the secret hideouts where our furry and feathered friends seek refuge in the great outdoors. Get ready for a journey filled with wonder, discovery, and a whole lot of fun!
  • 2 min read
When the sun sets, the world transforms into a captivating playground waiting to be explored. From stargazing to moonlit hikes, immerse yourself in the thrill of the night. Discover seven exhilarating activities that will ignite your sense of adventure and leave you with unforgettable memories under the moonlit sky.
If you are on an outdoor family activity in a forested area, sit in silence and listen. The sounds of nature calm you. Maybe it’s the sound of rustling leaves. Or the early morning composition of birds calling out to the world. A stream rushing over rocks and past grassy banks can transport you into another world.
  • 2 min read
Technology and modern lifestyles have changed the way we interact with nature, leaving kids indoors more often than not. It’s time for parents to take action and get their kids outside! Let’s explore why it’s so important for kids to get out and get back in touch with nature.
  • 2 min read
As we celebrate Canada's 156th birthday, let's take a moment to be respectful, educate ourselves, and reflect on how we want to celebrate. This is an opportunity to honour the diverse cultures, histories, and contributions that make Canada so special.
  • 2 min read
Living a sustainable lifestyle at home may be second nature by now, but what about when you venture out into a new environment for family fun this summer? With a little extra planning you can still have a terrific time while leaving nature exactly just as you found it when hiking, camping, or exploring.
  • 3 min read
Ready to embark on a tadpole-raising adventure? Start by exploring nearby ponds, streams, and even lakes to find these tiny aquatic treasures. Watch as they swim in groups, hide near plants, and make their underwater world come alive.
  • 2 min read
Paracords are a type of lightweight, durable cord that has many uses. It's most known for being used in the creation of survival bracelets, but there are plenty of other ways to use a paracord that are just as creative and fun. 

World Environment Day is the perfect day for anyone to pick up their pen and paper and journey into the world of nature journaling. 

  • 3 min read
June 1st is World Reef Awareness Day. Canada may have the most lakes in the world but we do connect to the ocean on 3 sides of our country! The ocean plays a huge role in our lives and so too do the ocean's ecosystems so what are the oceanic habitats in Canada?